Monday, April 16, 2007

April 2007 Schaumburg Teddy Bear Show!

I did not have a table at the ABC April Teddy Bear Show.... but I did go as a collector! I do enjoy being able to do either... when you go as a collector you do get to see EVERYthing!

There were about 40 artists at this show - and the work was amazing! It was SO hard to choose! Thankfully, the weather was not great (although not raining) so there were a lot of collectors buying at the show too. Last year the weather was fabulous.... so there weren't so many collectors .

Well, I wish I could have taken more photos.... but I couldn't even start taking photos (with Artists' permissions of course!) until later in the day because there were so many people buying bears! I know I missed a LOT of my friends' tables... but here are the ones I did manage to take!

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